Friday, 11 July 2008


Honestly......would you look at the state of that!!! He really has no shame....


Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

But isn't he gorgeous? I think he knows it too showing off his tummy like that.

DJ Kirkby said...

Ooooh! A splat post. My favorite!

Lane Mathias said...

Such a handsome splat!

is that a good ribbon game he's having?:-)

Georgina said...

Wow that really is a Splat! A very cute big Splat! Debs x

Carol said...

Debs - And what a tummy it is!!!

DJ - I just couldn't resist taking a photo and putting it on here :-)

Lane - I think he had worn himself out playing with the ribbon....he kinda gave up half way through and ended up splatted on the sofa.

Lehners - He is a wee (or not so wee in his case) cutie!!

C x

peter_may said...

That's no way to talk about your husband!

Carol said...

LOL Dad. He's not going to like that comment!!

C x

Anonymous said...

I adore the way cats play so unselfconsciously. Priceless, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

He's catching up with Spot! Did you manage to resist grabbing him in the middle?

Love Mum xx

Carol said...

Hullaballoo - I just couldn't resist...I mean look at that huge stomach!!!

Mum - He's a bit sensitive about his tummy and gets very grumpy if you touch it!!! I managed to resist but he was splatting next to Chris and you know what he's like...

C x

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