Friday, 7 December 2007

BWG Christmas Party

It started so well.......

Then went horribly wrong!!

and I'm not saying any more!!


Jenny Beattie said...

Can I tell them? Can I? Can I?

Lane Mathias said...

do tell.


Carol said...

JJ - Not on your life!! :-)

Lane - I deserved to have the hangover from hell the following day but thankfully I managed to avoid it!! I didn't do anything awful - not like some of the in particular really

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Who? Who did something awful? Was it as bad as falling asleep in the taxi and waking up the next day not knowing how you, I mean, they got home?
JJx :-)

Carol said...

Ooohhh you tell tale!!! I was thinking more about pant woman.....I was nowhere near THAT bad!!

Ha falling asleep in the taxi and not remembering how I got won't be the first time and it probably won't be the last!! (I only do it about once a year so it's not that bad!!)

C x

Carol said...

ok....maybe twice a year (Burns night) but can I just say that both times it was with you.....your a bad influence!!

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Hmmmm, I don't remember pinning you down and forcing the red stuff down your gob!

Carol said...

That's obviously because you were too drunk to remember!!

C x

Mel said...

Gotta love jj for spilling the beans. You drunken sod Carol, you should be utterly ashamed of yourself! Sounds like you had a blast ;-D

Anonymous said...

Do tell about 'pant woman', you can't just leave it at that!

Mum xx

Carol said...

Mel - I probably should be but I'm so not!! (and as for that JJ.....just you wait till the next time she's had a few.....revenge will be mine mwahaha mwahaha)

Mum - Sorry but my lips are sealed.....but it was very funny and there is a spectacular photo!!

C x

Jenny Beattie said...

Katrina, It'll end in legal action so we really can't print it!


Anonymous said...

JJ, that's the best kind!!! I'll wait until I can see the photo. Please make sure Carol brings it with her if she and Chris manage over here again (hopefully) some time in the Summer, for Christmas.

Katrina :-))