Monday, 24 September 2007

Can you guess what it is?

Chris is just back from a conference in KL (Kualaumpa). He brought me back a present.......

It is a wooden stick with a painted bird on one end and a tiny scoop on the other.

Can you guess what it is for?


Jenny Beattie said...

It must be a POOPER SCOOPER?

Carol said...

Nope JJ it's not a pooper scooper!!

C x

Mel said...

For eating slushies?

Janice said...

a nose-picker!

Carol said...

Mel - for eating slushies is a good guess but not the right one.....

Jan - not a nose-picker either

C x

Mel said...

Arrh...ear cleaner!!

Jen said...

A husband-poker? Drug measurer? Bird-poo-catapult?

Carol said...

Mel - You guessed it!! It's an ear cleaner......What a thoughtful husband I have!! (Eeeuuugghh)

Jen - I think I will use it as a husband poker....that's a much better idea!!

C x

Lane Mathias said...

For eating teeny weenie little eggs?
For poking artistic/writerly people to get on with it?
For collecting poor little bees who have succumbed to a heart attack?
I'm just getting silly now...:))

Mel said...

This is disgusting but I guessed because my husband likes to use various objects (never a cotton bud!)to clean his....gross, I know! Perhaps it's a compliment that you're fitting in with Thai culture!

Carol said...

If it makes you feel any better Mel I have a friend who does it with the leg of his glasses!! He has actually done it whilst we were standing waiting for a bus - he spotted my horrified look and said 'What!!'

Men eh!!

C x

Carol said...

Lane - I do like your suggestion for eating teeny weeny eggs.

Can bees have heart attacks?

C x

Mel said...

Yes, that is truly disgusting! A lot of the locals around here clean theirs with grass stalks! Wouldn't that kind of tickle..

(BTW do you check your email?)

Carol said...

Grass stalks!! Well I suppose it's better than the leg of your glasses!!

Erm - I don't check this one as often as I should do!! I've just responded to you :-)

C x

Amy T said...

Hubby has one too, with a cute little Japanese doll on the end. I've NEVER asked to borrow it! :)